Saturday, October 24, 2009

Technology: Good or Bad

Site: (Middle School Teachers Chatboard)

Dates Chatted:

Topic: "I Hate My Teacher She's Such a ******"
Technology: Good or Bad


On 10-14 a posting appeared with the topic I hate my teacher she's such a *****. It was a student stating that she was in trouble because two boys were fighting over her so she was forced to sit in detention. Then she said that teachers are always trying to get kids in trouble. Two other teachers posted a comment asking each other or the chat board if this was a student or teacher posting. Another person responded that these chatboards are becoming insecure and that technology has really destroyed confidentiality. In response to that post another person asked if anyone thought that these posts are really from students or if they're from other teachers. This person also pointed out that the spelling errors were included on purpose to make people think it's a kid. However, someone else disagreed and said that for all the more reason to believe it was a child is because there were spelling errors. Furthermore, this person pointed out that kids would go out of their way to find a teacher forum in order to find a place to vent and look for guidance. I thought this person was full of it but I did not respond to that because he probably works in a higher class school system. Two more teachers responded to the posting questioning the validity of it being from a child. However, they agreed to just ignore or delete the posting to avoid a "can of worms."

Finally, someone responded to the person who posted the initial comment and asked "how old are you and why can't you type using proper spelling. You are not texting, you are typing." In response to that someone else diverted the subject again and defended the spelling and grammar with the fact that many people Email with phones so it becomes like texting. Finally, out of sarcasm, someone responded "God Bless his English Teacher" I guess the he didn't see the initial posting because it was supposedly a girl. However, one thing I do agree with is technology has helped people become lazy, less social and less senseful.

Questions I Posted:

After people went back and forth on the topic no one ever responded to the student. So I posted a comment questioning the situation asking her why she didn't try to stop the fight if it was over her. Secondly, I asked her why she didn't include why the boys were fighting over her? I didn't receive a response but I went ahead and posted another comment stating that when I grew up computers and cell phones were not available like they are today. It wasn't until I was in college that I got my first computer. However, I have multiple jobs that include skill (Teacher, Tractor Trailer Driver, and Audio Engineer) and I can read, write and use proper grammar. Now when I read my students' work I can't take points off for spelling or most of them would fail. Also handwriting is horrible. Secondly, a lot of these kids are not nearly as athletic as kids were when I was a kid. There athletic skills are on a game system or computer. Nobody even runs after a ball if they miss the catch or basket anymore. Lastly, I posted that I felt common sense is not the same as we knew it. I find more and more people are more comfortable to stay where they are instead of striving for achievements, regardless of what they may be.

Two people responded in agreement with me. One added that people have always complained about the newer generations but this one seems to be ridiculous. He said even McDonald's service has dropped. One respondant, however, negated my comment and explained how technology has improved our way of living. My response to her was how, when we're not doing anything better that we've been doing for the last 1000 years.

What I Learned from this Posting:

I'm starting to realize that despite what happened with the girl and her teacher, technology has taken away individuality. I say this because anyone can do just about anything and you don't need to be filled with any knowledge, considering that all you need is google and a couple of words. I side by this statement because in 1995 and before it took effort to make a video or produce music, accompanied by talent. Now the same tools are available to everyone and no talent is needed. There's too much accessibility to anything. This is a prime example, a student in teacher discussions.


  1. HI David:

    1. Do you think the student learned anything from reading the follow-up posts? If so, what?

    2. Work roles have changed with technology, how should instruction change because of the use of technology?

  2. 1. For this site being a Middle School chatboard, I don't think the student even involved herself in rechecking the comments on the post. I could be wrong. However, if she did look at the comments, she probably would think teachers really try to get kids in trouble because most were complaining about kids. I highly doubt we taught her anything but she did help us learn a little more about the world.

    2. I personally don't think any instruction should change in accordance to technology. I just feel learning how to operate the equipment is important. Changing instruction means changing ethics and approaches. If instruction should change, it shouldn't change because of technology but because are kids are very weak academically. We shouldn't stop teaching Shakespeare, for example, but perhaps instead of a book, now we'll use a file or e-book. However, the analyzation should occur.

  3. Hi David:

    Good point that the students reading posts by teachers who are negative about the students could have negative effects. Makes one want to be careful what is posted.

    Now that technology provides students with information at the touch of a keyboard (original documents, updated data, and real world data) lessons can include more emphasis on interpreting results and analyzing real-world data rather than so much tiem finding the information and reporting back what what found. While there is still a need to include instruction on learning basic facts, instruction including the use of technology tools to find answers will allow students to engage in questions about what the answer means in the real world.

    Week's Grade:100%

    Participation 2/2
    Organization: 10/10
    Responses to Professor Questions: 10/10Grammar: 10/10
    Grammar: 10/10
