Saturday, October 10, 2009

6th Grade Social Studies (World History)

Site: (Middle School Teachers Chatboard)

Topics: Teaching the 6th Grade Ancient Sumer & Videos for World History

Dates Blogged:
09-21-09 to 09-25-09


A first-year teacher posted a blog for help with ideas in teaching 6th grade social studies. Specifically about Sargon the Akkad and Sumer. I'm teaching 6th Grade Social Studies for the second time myself and could not make any suggestions as to what would be useful for resources. Therefore, I was curious to know what suggestions other bloggers may have. One teacher responded with two websites full of resources; and Both sites offered an array of lesson plans and worksheets, however, the catch is that they are not free. Although, they're not too expensive. However, there was only one response to this posting.

What I Learned:

Although there was not much of a discussion on this topic, I have found that resources for the 6th Grade curriculum in Social Studies are scarce. Therefore, I believe there were many more teachers with questions to the posting as opposed to teachers with answers and that explains why the subject ended as opposed to other discussions.

Useful Information for My Teaching:

I found the one posting very useful for my own needs. The teacher pay teachers website had an interesting cuneiform and city-state project, in which I bought for $5.00. Eventually, when I get to that point in the curriculum, I will experiment.

Topic: Videos for World History


Another teacher posted a blog on incorporating a film on ancient civilizations and for any recommendations of films to show. Again, I've only taught the curriculum once and I'm doing it a second time. I was interested to see if their are any videos. One respondent suggested the movie "Quest for Fire." She described it as a 1970's movie, in which may interest the children. She also suggested Natgeo Films, which is a computer generated site of ancient documentaries. Another respondent suggested Clan of the Cave Bear or 10000 BC. After posting the filming suggestions, the two respondents seemed to be older teachers because they began to discuss certain elements in the movie, in which, I didn't understand because I've never seen them. However, I have discovered four possible films I may show, depending on the quality and how it suits the kids I teach.

What I Learned:

Again, it seems that the resources for the 6th Grade curriculum in Social Studies is not humongous. Therefore, there is more questions than answers and furthermore, there is not that much info to offer on the subject. However, the little discussions are important to me because I teach the curriculum and need resources myself.

Useful Information For My Teaching:

These discussions were beneficial for me because now I'm a few resources ahead of what I started with. Most teachers in my school do not have an abundance of resources for themselves either, so any suggestions about teaching World History is greatly appreciated. I have suggested the two sites with another teacher. However, I have to find the movies in order to share them as well.


  1. Looks like this is a chatboard, so the dates refer to participation on a chatboard rather than a blog. The blog is this site where you are posting the messages for me to read and respond.

    1. Maybe other discussion boards or mailing lists are more active and the issue is not that there is limited interest in the topic but a matter of finding the discussions. Could be a popular topic in teacher lounges. What do you think? Is this discussed by teachers in your school?

    Glad you explored the lesson plan website and found an activity you plan to use in the future.

    2. How does the site charge for lessons? Do you subscribe or pay per lesson?

  2. The topic is discussed by teachers in my school. Especially, the 6th grade teachers because there's no state exam for the 6th grade social studies so the school doesn't provide many materials or much attention to the curriculum. However, we have to wing 180 lessons.

    The site I found charges between five to fifteen dollars per lesson. It seems that unit based lessons are the fifteen dollar lessons. The lesson I bought was $7.99.

  3. Week's Grade

    Participation: 0/2
    Organization: 10/10
    Responses to Professor's Questions: 10/10
    Grammar: 10/10

    Total = 30/32 = 94%
